Call for removal of Boston pastor who put gay couples at parity with Holy Family

As news spreads of the Norwood, MA pastor who preached and published a letter in his bulletin putting homosexual couples on par with the Holy Family and saying we should admire the virtues of same-sex-parent families, calls are growing for the removal of the pastor.  Watch the first 4 minutes of this video from

This message was published and preached by pastor, Msgr. Paul Garrity, at all of the Sunday Masses to adults and children alike:

It is very easy to forget that Mary would have been an unwed mother were it not for Joseph. It is also easy to forget that Joseph was not the natural father of Jesus but became his foster father and protector, along with his new bride Mary. And the circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus should fill us all with a deep respect and empathy for the poor and unwed mothers of our day. Taken all together, the first family of Christianity reminds us that there is no such thing as normal. Every family is different and this means that we need to broaden our understanding of family life beyond TV sitcoms and applaud the virtues of family living wherever we find them: two parent families, single parent families, blended families, families with two mommies or two daddies and adoptive families.  What is most important is that we continually hold up the family as the instrument that God has chosen to communicate God’s unconditional love to the youngest and most vulnerable members of our society.

Here are a few of the comments by Michael Voris at about this scandalous situation and specifically Msgr. Garrity:

How is this man still in a Roman collar and being allowed to present himself as a priest? It is beyond disgraceful. For him to say that the evil of children being raised in a same-sex household should be accepted by Catholics is disgusting.

Why or why, when or when is this constant pandering to the sin of Sodom on the part of of so many clergy going to end? You cannot look at the situation and conclude anything other than this priest has no supernatural faith.

To even think that the Holy Family, the incarnation, the Immaculate Conception and St Joseph could in any way be compared to a homosexual couple sodomizing each other with children around says all you need to know about the state of his faith.

St. John of the 4th Gospel, St. John, beloved apostle would not even stay in the same building as the heretic Cerinthus. St. John went into the public baths one day and learned by chance in a discussion that Cerinthus was in the same building—he immediately got up and left, and publicly and loudly denounced Cerinthus on the way out.  That’s how heretics should be treated. Heresy must be attached and called out.  Those who preach it certainly should not be allowed to wear Roman collars

Wasn’t there enough physical child abuse in the Archdiocese of Boston that we now have to tolerate spiritual child abuse by having priests say they can be raised in these evil situations?

The long night of corruption in the Church is nowhere near the end. It has been institutionalized. And you have to get mad about it!

We are asking all readers to get madder than hell about this.  Even if you have already contacted Aux. Bishop Edyvean or the Vicar General’s office about this, we need you to take an additional step. Forward this blog post today via email to Cardinal Sean O’Malley and the U.S. Papal Nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and place two phone calls asking for action on this scandalous situation and removal of the pastor:

Cardinal Sean O’Malley

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

If no action is taken to protect and defend the Catholic faith by Cardinal O’Malley and the Boston Archdiocese by this weekend, we will have no choice but to encourage people to write to Pope Francis, the Congregation for Bishops and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

62 Responses to Call for removal of Boston pastor who put gay couples at parity with Holy Family

  1. jbq2 says:

    Come on now. Add 2 and 2. This pastor was appointed by Cardinal O’Malley. Cardinal O’Malley was appointed as the American representative among 8 Cardinals on the pope’s board of directors. The pope has stated “Who am I to judge”? It would appear that the National Catholic Reporter has a direct line to the pope. The Vatican reporter for the NCR has now gotten a job with the Boston Globe to start a Catholic offshoot with the Globe. As Bill Clinton stated, “it all depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is”. Anything orthodox in the Church is now seen as persecutorial of liberal fulfillment. That is why Burke was fired from the committee to select bishops and replaced with a gay American Cardinal. It was also why Burke had been fired as archbishop of St. Louis for his anti abortion views of pro abortion Catholic politicians who surrounded then Senator Obama in August of 2008.

    • Concerned Parent says:

      If this is indeed the case, it’s best that people are made aware that heretical priests and their blasphemous ramblings are becoming the new normal. With this situation at St. Catherine of Siena, we have reached a pivotal point. If Monsignor Garrity is allowed to retain his pulpit now that his heretical commentary and his blatant contempt for orthodoxy have been exposed, we will know for certain that the leadership of the AoB has been hopelessly compromised. Thanks, BCI, for once again revealing the ugly underbelly of Cardinal O’Malley’s archdiocese. Forewarned is forearmed.

      • Has it ever occurred to you that there just might be a miniscule, infinitesimal chance that you . . . might . . . just . . . be . . . wrong? Only God knows the hearts of His people. Who are you to pass such definitive judgement with such an arrogant sense of assumed virtue?

    • Victoria Hernandez says:

      It was so shocking to find that Wuerl had replaced Burke. I just couldn’t believe it. Wuerl is the prelate who won’t deny Communion to prominent dissident Catholic politicians because the Eucharist shouldn’t be used as a “weapon.”

      Mary Ann Kreitzer, over at Tradition In points out that Wuerl doesn’t seem interested in the eternal salvation of those politicians. Kreitzer describes Wuerl as being “like a father who buys his drug-addicted son the next fix instead of loving him enough to say no because he doesn’t want to alienate his son.”

      It’s all very heart-breaking.

  2. Hopeful Parishioner says:

    Thank you to BCI for taking a stand on this. Our family would love to be able to attend St. Catherine’s again without fear of what our children will be exposed to by their pastor. Will be making those phone calls today, I pray that others will as well so that we can finally restore our parish.

  3. Carolyn says:

    The outer fringes of those who claim to be Catholic — on both ends of the fabric of the Church — need to realize that the vast majority of faithful, knowledgeable Catholics take neither of them seriously. The priest who refused to give me Communion in the palm of my hand (not an RCAB priest), and the pastor in Norwood, both think they have the answer. Neither one can imagine they might be too strident in their views. They are both wrong, and neither one will ever admit it.

    Sean O’Malley prefers printing boarding passes and reading novels in Spanish to the hard work of tending his flock. A true shepherd tends his flock so that no lamb strays too far in any direction. Sean may well be remembered as the shepherd whose gaze was elsewhere, as his flock went over the cliff.

    • Anna Lynskey says:

      Oh come on!

      Comparing it to when a priest was encouraging you to receive Our Lord on your tongue is not helpful. There must have been a reason. Were you wearing gloves? Where your hands dirty?

      Let us not make a priest’s reverence of the Eucharist on equal par with this disgusting situation.

      • Carolyn says:


        There was no reason apart from the fact that he was off the deep end. Never equate arrogant extremism with reverence. The pastor in Norwood’s arrogant extremism wants to cloak itself in charity. Never equate arrogant extremism with charity.

        No priest, or layperson, is free to rewrite the rules of the Catholic faith. Period.

      • Anna says:

        I’ve been a Catholic for 57 years. I travel in many very orthodox reverent circles and have traveled quite far to find faithful pastors of the Church.

        I have never heard of anyone who experienced what you describe. In fact, every one of us still experiences priests who refuse to give us the Blessed Sacrament on our tongue. At least once a month. But even I would not describe this clownish refusal to treat Christ with the highest form of reverence as comparable to the sexual perversions of the mind and soul going in here.

        i would respectfully ask the straw men be kept at bay in this serious matter.

      • You ostentatiously “traditionalist” types all need to get over yourselves. Give those dancing angels a rest!

    • Michael says:

      No Sean will not be remembered as the shepherd whose gaze was elsewhere, as his flock went over the cliff. He will be remembered as the shepherd steering the herd over the cliff. God help him. He can no longer play the role of the sad duped bishop who just wishes he were simply tasked with “helping the poor.” That nonsense is no longer believable.

    • Stephen says:

      If your hands had manure on them from working in the field laboring would it be OK to be refused communion in the hand? What if the Priest had repeatedly found consecrated hosts in the pews, on the floor and the local police tells him they have been found at clearly demonic crime scenes? Would the Vatican 2 innovation known as – a right to communion in the hand – then be seen as imprudent?

      The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Faith. We ascend to the Faith or we do not. Fr, Garrity ascends to the progressive modernist heresy
      not The Faith.

  4. KIKINWING says:

    This email is invalid;


  5. David S. says:

    If you email the Cardinal, you might want to ask him why this was necessary:

    Venerable Fulton Sheen, pray for us.

  6. Norwood Catholic says:

    If Cardinal O’Malley won’t or can’t bring himself to do something about this scandalous problem, then he should resign voluntarily or be asked to resign from his position in the Gang of 8 advising the Pope. How could someone incapable of governing his own diocese possibly be qualified to advise the pope in governance of the entire Catholc church?

    • Ferde Rombola says:

      That’s the question of the week, right behind the question of the year, why was Cardinal O’Malley chosen to advise the Pope in the first place. The Cardinal’s inadequacies as a Catholic bishop have been well known for some time. It’s hard to believe the Pope was not aware of them. Now, with the selection of Wuerl on the office for bishops, it’s time to really, REALLY wonder about this liberal Jesuit from Argentina.

  7. Justyn Tyme says:

    In the Spirit of Pope Francis re: Formation of Priests, to prevent the perpetuation of “Little Monsters” perhaps now might be the time for instituting the signing of the MANDATUM by all seminarians just prior to Ordination to the Diaconate. In Pre-Vatican II days they did something similar by the signing the Oath of Modernism. May the Cleansing/Conversion of the Clergy continue for the Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls. Pray for Holy Priests!

    • KIKINWING says:

      read “good bye good men”

      • Victoria Hernandez says:

        Great book. Michael Rose, the author of Goodbye, Good Men, relates how seminaries were populated with unorthodox formation. And how pious or faithful seminarians were filtered out by giving them unfavorable psychiatric evaluations.

    • Stephen says:

      That was: the Oath Against Modernism.

      My favorite part is this:
      Fifthly, I hold with certainty and sincerely confess that faith is not a blind sentiment of religion welling up from the depths of the subconscious under the impulse of the heart and the motion of a will trained to morality; but faith is a genuine assent of the intellect to truth received by hearing from an external source.

      It is well worth contemplating.

  8. Anna Lynskey says:

    We are INDEED at the critical crossroads.

    The gay clergy in Boston have been the pulling Cardinal O’Malley’s strings since the day of his arrival. He surrounds himself with them, appoints and fiercely protects them, punishes those who report what they’re doing to seek intervention for diabolical disorientation of their loved ones.

    But everything he has been protecting is all coming out of the woodworm. Oops, I mean woodwork.

    They are hearing what they perceive as a clarion call of the pied piper pope.

    Cardinal O’Malley will be hard pressed to protect Fr. Garrity in this debacle. He knows many Catholics are waiting in the wings to see whether he ties the hands of the local bishop or lets him do his job.

    All eyes are on deck.

    If it comes to pass that the ape of the church is once again protected, they will regret it, because there is going to be a lot of commotion. And I do mean a lot. On more than one continent!

  9. Bonnie Lay says:


  10. KIKINWING says:


    Pope Felix III once said ““Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it, and, indeed, to neglect to confound evil men—when we can do it—is no less a sin than to encourage them.”

  11. Mary M. says:

    I sent email to both email addresses, no response from the papal nuncio as yet, but received email from Rev. Bryan K. Parrish
    Assistant Vicar for Administration Special Assistant to the Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, saying the matter would be looked into. I’m furious over this, O’Malley is the chief wolf in sheep’s clothing, seeking to sow corruption, and must be stopped. Christ admonished us to protect the innocent and this we must do.

  12. bostoncommon says:

    If Jesus went to St., Catherine’s he would put his arm around Msgr Garrity’s shoulder. You people are the most bitter, uncharitable, un-Christlike group I’ve ever seen.

    • Since you seem to feel you know exactly what Jesus would do, do you not agree it is absurd to imply that Jesus would not correct Msgr Garrity and preach a message of “go and sin no more”? Would Jesus suddenly stop preaching His message of salvation? If you understand nothing about what Jesus preached about sin, we suggest you find another venue to learn more about the Catholic faith before posting further comments here.


    • Gianna says:

      It looks to me like you are the one being judgmental for determining that we are uncharitable and un-Christlike.

      • Michael says:

        Boston Common – nice attempt at using Saul Alinsky’s rules for radicals. We are bitter … where? We are uncharitable … When? We are un-Christlike … how? You are a liar. How’s that for bitter?

        “Name calling” is a propaganda techniques used to distract the reader from the substantive discussion. It is another of the seven main techniques designated by the Institute for Propaganda Analysis. The propaganda attempts to arouse prejudice among the public by labeling the target something that the public dislikes. Often, name calling is employed using sarcasm and ridicule.

        It behooves us, venerable brethren, to warn, instruct, and exhort each of the faithful with an earnestness befitting the occasion: that none may abandon the way of truth. — Leo XIII – Sapientiae Christianae Therefore, they who cherish the “prudence of the flesh” and who pretend to be unaware that every Christian ought to be a valiant soldier of Christ; they who would far obtain the rewards owing to conquerors, while they are leading the lives of cowards, untouched in the fight, are so far from thwarting the onward march of the evil – disposed that, on the contrary, they even help it forward. — Leo, XIII, Sapientiae Christianae

        “The person who does not become irate when he has cause to be sins. For an unreasonable patience is the hotbed of many vices. It fosters negligence, and stimulates not only the wicked, but above all, the good to do wrong.” –St. John Chrysostom c. ARSH 347-407

        Dr. Dietrich von Hildebrand: “..the rejection of evil and of sin is a response which is purely positive and morally called for, and it possesses a high moral value. One cannot truly love God, without hating the devil. One cannot really love the truth, without hating error. One cannot find the truth and grasp it clearly as such, without seeing through errors. Knowledge of truth is inseparably linked with knowledge of error, with the unmasking of error. All talk about the superiority of ‘yes’ over ‘no,’ about the ‘negativity’ of rejecting that which should be rejected, is so much idle chatter.” (The Cult of the ‘Positive’).

        CRYING WOLF:
        St. Francis de Sales, a Doctor of the Church, expresses himself: ‘If the declared enemies of God and of the Church ought to be blamed and censured with all possible vigor, charity obliges us to cry wolf when the wolf slips into the midst of the flock and in every way and place we may meet him.’” (pp. 97, 100-101).

        GOD IS FIRST:
        “Charity is the theological virtue by which we love God above all things for His own sake, and our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1822

    • Mary M. says:

      Christ was very specific on those who would corrupt the innocent and that includes the wolves in sheep’s clothing, like Msgr Garrity he warned us of: Matthew 18:6 “6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

    • KIKINWING says:

      Gee when was the last time God destroyed a city for the sin of gluttony?

      You are the most uneducated, un Catholic delusional fool I have yet to read. Read scripture and what is says about sodomites. Read the Cathechism and see what it says….

      You are wrong!!! Jesus is sending that fruit cake of a Monsignor to hell. His “sodomite obsession” will win him eternal hell because he is deceiving the unwise like you.

      Its adam and eve not adam and steve

  13. catholicteacherman says:

    How many Masses did he celebrate this weekend? Was there a good number of people missing from the pews? Any mention of it?

  14. Stephen says:

    “He should have been defrocked on the spot for that kind of filth coming out of his mouth” Michael Voris on Fr. Garrity

    We are living in heretical times.
    If Fr.Garrity has departed so far from the Faith that he publicly compares The Nativity to sodomite marriage shouldn’t we
    genuinely question the validity of the Mass that he offers?

    If Catholic’s can’t draw a line on this, then when exactly can we?

    • Capt Crunch says:


      The Mass is valid regardless of the priest’s disposition.

      “Therefore, the Church has taught that the sacraments act ex opere operato, that is “by the very fact of the action’s being performed.” The efficacy of the sacrament does not depend upon the human minister”

      What concerns me is the lack of response by the Archdiocese. This issue has been raised to the Archdiocese and above with no recourse leads me to believe that the archdiocese approves of this position.

      “[16] By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? [17] Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit. [18] A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit. [19] Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire. [20] Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them. ”

      Matthew 7:16-20

      • Stephen says:

        Proper: form, matter and intent is required for a valid sacrament.

        I question, if his intent of bringing everybody to the big happy table is the same as what the church clearly intends within the Canon.

      • Liam says:


        Sacramental intent has a very low thresshold to be satisfied. It’s not as subjective as you might imagine (and the reason why is that the Church learned after the Donatist heresy to put a tight leash on subjective matters in judging sacramental validity; the one sacrament where it plays more of a role is Matrimony, because there are two ministers and mutual consent is prerequisite). Intent is presumed if valid matter and form are used, and there is no clear and contrary evidence of an intention NOT to do as the church does.

    • Tom says:

      He celebrated many masses and everyone who loves God and loves their brothers & sisters were there! No less people … Sorry to disappoint all of you!

  15. Stephen says:

    Or you’d rather Bostoncommon;
    “If Jesus went to St., Catherine’s he would put his arm around Msgr Garrity’s shoulder.”

    Catholic’s believe dogmatically that Jesus does indeed come to St. Catherine’s through the ministry of Fr. Garrity’s consecrated hands. In that light does it even seem possible that THAT belief is held by a man who would compare the incarnation (Christ becoming fully human through the Blessed Virgin Mary) and same sex pairs playing house while they essentially worship a sin that cry’s out to heaven for vengeance?

    Has the faithful’s hand been forced on this? A week has gone by with nothing from the Cardinal? Must we conclude that Fr. Garrity holds firm to the heretical belief that the incarnation is something other than it has been declared dogmatically by the Church or that sodomy has been elevated to equivalent to the incarnation.

    It seems unlikely that he will recant. Is it time for BCI to start selling
    “Fr. Garrity is a Heretic” T-shirts? Or should we continue with the letter writing campaign for salvation?

    Sorry people this issue transcends our sentiments toward our sometimes struggling queer family members and friends.

    • Michael says:

      But how could we ever offend those we love … just being sarcastic. But I really like the BCI T-Shirt idea. How about “Viva la BCI.”

      • If someone has the time and desire to set up a T-shirt effort at-cost (no profit) without burdening BCI, we would be glad to blog about it. If folks want BCI to drop other things to launch a T-shirt campaign, that would be rather difficult at this time.


      • Michael says:

        I’ll let you know what I find out …

    • Tom says:

      Why don’t you read what Msgr Garrity wrote. You have all totally taken his words out of context! You all sound silly!

  16. Lazarus' Table says:

    The laity’s demanding Garrity’s removal virtually guarantees his continuance in office. The laity’s demanding anything virtually guarantees indifference from O’Malley. Why? The laity must be reminded of “their place”—pay, pray and obey. God forbid the laity has any power or influence. Why should they? They are not part of the Braintree Boys Club. You are not one of “them”. Thank God.
    The diocese will remain pretty much in-your-face when you express your displeasures, concerns. A parish will run according to the pastor’s pleasure not your needs.
    So Garrity and his sisters will read this blog and have the laugh of their lives, frolicking [or prancing] in their power and our impotence.
    Until it’s in the Globe don’t expect a hearing or response.

    • Concerned Parent says:

      “A parish will run according to the pastor’s pleasure not your needs.”

      And apparently without reference to the teachings of the Church. To put gay couples at parity with the Holy Family is blasphemous on its face, and to do so on the Feast of the Nativity displays a demonic symbolism.

      “Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God handed them over to their undiscerning mind to do what is improper.” Rom 1:26-28

      This is the behavior, condemned by God, of those who Monsignor Garrity blasphemously puts at parity with the Holy Family. Those who tolerate this brazen insult to the Holy Family on the part of Monsignor Garrity cannot possibly be true shepherds. If this is what Cardinal Sean and company consider to be sound catechesis, perhaps they ought to pack up their operation and move to Provincetown.

  17. Capt Crunch says:

    When does John Allen start at the Globe?

    Let’s continue to push BCI to ChurchMiltantTV and barrage John Allen right from the outset.

    • Lazarus' Table says:

      If O’Malley has John Allen in his back pocket (where he also keeps God) it will probably do no good. Allen will need O’Malley’s cooperation in putting out Catholic news. But worth a try maybe. Maybe Allen does care about truth and justice.

      • John Allen has demonstrated a lack of interest in getting out the truth of what is happening in Boston, and a lack of response to BCI and our readers when various people have pointed out inaccuracies in what he has reported. We do not have high hopes for anything changing there in his new role with the Boston Globe.

    • Liam says:

      Barraging John Allen would be the single most guaranteed way to ensure one gets ignored. Anyone trying to elicit a journalist’s attention for a probe has to behave in a way that doesn’t feel like the journalist is merely a tool for the personal agenda of someone else. Anything that smacks of crankish obsession would ensure being relegated to the virtual circular file. Do not approach JA with “now that you’re here in Boston [actually, he’s not moving to Boston, as best I can tell”], you must do X, Y or Z” with a tone that implies that, if he doesn’t, he’s in league with the evil one.

      Inaccuracies have to be soberly pointed out without editorializing further.

      • Liam, It seems you either inadvertently misunderstood what BCI said, or you are intentionally distorting it.We said there has been a “lack of response to BCI and our readers when various people have pointed out inaccuracies in what he has reported.”

        We referred to past reporting, when individual people have written to him with comments on some of his reports regarding errors or misinformation. He has neither responded nor made any changes or corrections subsequent to the flawed report. BCI did not suggest that people barrage him. Please do not fabricate something that we did not say.

      • Liam says:

        I was responding to Capt Crunch’s idea, and then, taking your excellent idea about engaging JA re inaccuracies, clarifying how that should be done for the best shot at getting a response. I am aware that many people point out inaccuracies, but accompanied by editorializing that can cause the reader to ignore the point; I am not saying BCI did that, but CC’s idea seems inclined to favor that approach, and I wanted to underscore how that subverts the goal.

      • Capt Crunch says:

        “barrage” was intended as a colloquialism. I’ll make sure to edit my posts more carefully in the future to avoid any misunderstanding.

        However to your point, God forbid anybody, i.e. the archdiocese or the media, take seriously the call to keep the Catholic faith Catholic. Let them ignore us at their own peril…..

  18. Capt Crunch says:

    I suggest all those disturbed the the events here join the Our Lady of Good Success Novena that begins on Jan 24.

    “May this Novena be used as an effective instrument during this present crisis in the Catholic Church to bring about the resurgence in devotion to Our Lady of Good Success thus leading us closer to the restoration of the Catholic Church.”

  19. KIKINWING says:


    In an address to ambassadors to the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI warned that laws permitting abortion and undermining the traditional family are threatening “the future of humanity.” Speaking particularly of the West, the Holy Father said, “I am convinced that legislative measures which not only permit but at times even promote abortion for reasons of convenience or for questionable medical motives compromise the education of young people and, as a result, the future of humanity.”
    Pope Benedict

    Similarly, the pope spoke of “the family, based on the marriage of a man and a woman,” noting that it “is not a simple social convention, but rather the fundamental cell of every society.” He added: “Consequently, policies which undermine the family threaten human dignity and the future of humanity itself.”

    Benedict noted the ‘dark times’ we are living in currently due to economic and social unrest. “The present moment is sadly marked by a profound disquiet and the various crises – economic, political and social – are a dramatic expression of this,” he said. “Truly the world is dark wherever men and women no longer acknowledge their bond with the Creator and thereby endanger their relation to other creatures and to creation itself.”

    As a solution the Holy Father proposed keeping upholding the dignity and rights of the person. “(I)t seems evident to me that the best way to move forward is through the recognition of the inalienable dignity of each human person and of his or her fundamental rights,” he said. “Respect for the person must be at the centre of institutions and laws; it must lead to the end of all violence and forestall the risk that due concern for popular demands and the need for social solidarity turn into mere means for maintaining or seizing power.”

    VATICAN CITY, January 9, 2012 (

  20. U.N. Owen says:

    Same thing happened at St. Catherine’s in Westford by Father Peter. It was coordinated.

  21. Liam says:

    FWIW, this morning the RCAB announced the pastor appointments for the next round of clusters:

    Other than announcements of this sort, the RCAB seems to have stopped reliably making public announcements when it moves priests around. This is only the second announcement of appointments in *six* months.