Video: Undercover Diocese vs Catholic Bloggers

August 21, 2010

If you have not yet read it, please check out our most recent post, Boston Archdiocese Blocks Catholic Blog.  We appreciated the headline coverage of the story by Deal Hudson at  (“Boston Archdiocese Blocks Access to Web Site“) and by Pewsitter, the Catholic online news portal.  Visits to the blog hit a record high this week and we have received a lot of feedback over this situation.  By coincidence, one reader just emailed us a link to a new 2-minute YouTube video that seems to depict a Church official discussing an apparent undercover strategy to investigate, stop or silence a Catholic blog publishing information about improprieties.  Here it is–we hope you enjoy it.

(Credit: LastCatholicinBoston)

Job Seeker

August 9, 2010

As regular readers can tell, we take this blog seriously and work hard to ensure what we post is objective and verified as accurate.  We invite readers to help out with input and confidential tips, and one reader submitted this humorous 2-minute video after reading our Cronyism series.  It depicts a job applicant interviewing with the archdiocesan HR director for a job at the Pastoral Center.  We thought it was entertaining and worth sharing, so we hope this brief levity does not take away from the very serious matters of conflicts of interest, cronyism, and breaches of trust. We will return to the serious topics in the next post.

To watch the video, you will need to have the sound on your computer turned on.  (video credit to LastCatholicinBoston).  Enjoy, and please feel free to share with others.