Welcoming More Expensive People to the Pastoral Center

In case you thought the folks at the Pastoral Center were working hard to save money and use your donations most cost-effectively, you may want to think again.

Below is an email sent by Vicar General Fr. Richard Erikson to everyone working for the archdiocese letting them know about six people from the Campaign for Catholic Schools now coming to the 4th floor (high-rent district) of the Pastoral Center.  A hearty welcome to you!!  They are joining the fund-raising operation, now headed by a former Hill Holliday employee of Jack Connors, Kathleen Driscoll, after a “sham search” that, in reality, had identified her as the choice before it was even announced.

Looking at the email, we see a Vice President, Associate Vice President, and Director.  Sounds like titles from either a bank or an ad agency. At least a few of them no doubt add to the six-figure salary count in Braintree, pushing it close to 30 people making more than $100K/year. So now, we have nearly 30 people earning a combined amount north of $4M–more than 1/4 of the Annual Appeal goal. Naturally, there is someone who used to work for Jack Connor’s firm, Hill, Holliday, Connors, Cosmopulos, Inc.  And to round things out, we have a couple people from Hingham, the same town where new development chief, Kathleen Driscoll hails from.

Anyone else wondering how much these people cost?  Has Chancellor McDonough forgotten about the big layoff of 20 low to mid-level people back in June to supposedly save money and balance the budget? Have the folks at 66 Brooks Drive forgotten that about 40% of parishes are in the red, while pastors are still working hard to raise money for the Annual Appeal?  What does this do to morale at the Pastoral Center for mid to lower-level employees to see these people with big titles and big salaries suddenly arriving to the 4th floor after the “sham search” that hired their boss for a $250K-$300K/year job?

What are the individual fund-raising goals for each entity–Catholic Appeal, Catholic Schools Foundation, Campaign for Catholic Schools–that this new combined fund-raising powerhouse is supposed to hit?  How are they each doing against each individual goal?

Anyway, here is a slightly edited version of the email from Vicar General Fr. Richard Erikson.  He now seems to be 100% co-opted as the spokesman for the McDonough/Connors/Hehir regime:

On Friday (17 December) we will be welcoming the following six associates from the Campaign for Catholic Schools to the Pastoral Center.  They will be located on the 4th floor north.

Mary Flynn Myers, Vice President of Development
Mary has been the Vice President of Development for the Campaign for Catholic Schools since  December 2007.  Prior to joining the CCS she was a Senior Director for Biomedical Research Development at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, raising leadership gifts in support of basic and clinical research.  She has over 25 years experience in development.  A native of Arlington, MA, Mary is a graduate of the College of the Holy Cross.  She resides in Boston and volunteers with the Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the Paulist Center.

Patricia Kelleher Bartram, Associate Vice President of Development
Pat joined the Campaign for Catholic Schools in December 2007 from the UMass Memorial Foundation, where she worked for nine years as Assistant Vice Chancellor for Development.  During that time, she staffed the Foundation’s Board of Directors and led them through a major reorganization.  She also directed two successful major capital campaigns.  She has over 25 years experience in development. Pat is a product of Catholic schools, having attended St. Mary’s Elementary School in Shrewsbury, MA, followed by Notre Dame Academy, Worcester, MA.

Sandra A. Dowd, Director of Operations
Sandy joined the Campaign for Catholic Schools in January 2008 from the University of Massachusetts Medical School, where she worked for 18 years.  For the past eight years she was Department Administrator of the Office of the Chancellor, and during the previous ten years she served as the Director of Alumni Relations and Special Projects.  A native of Michigan, Sandy earned a Bachelor degree from Michigan Technological University.  She holds a Masters in Public Affairs from the John W. McCormack Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston.

Arthur Boyle, Development Officer
Artie was appointed Development Officer in February 2010.  For the past 25 years he had been in sales management, director-level and ownership positions with various companies and industries.  Most recently he was a senior loan officer with Heritage Mortgage Company. He attended the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and is very active in church and local school activities, leading numerous prayer groups in Hingham and the surrounding area. He and his wife Judy live in Hingham.

Kate Doyle, Special Projects Manager
Kate Doyle joined the Campaign for Catholic Schools in early 2009 after 12 years at Hill, Holliday, Connors, Cosmopulos, Inc., where she worked as an Executive Assistant.  Prior to Hill, Holliday, she worked for Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. in Boston. Kate graduated from Pennsylvania State University and lives in Hingham, with her husband and son.

Andrea Polonetsky, Director of Marketing and Communications
Andrea joined the Campaign for Catholic Schools in early 2008 with a marketing background.  She worked at Citizens Bank in Sponsorships and Brand Promotions, and as an Account Executive at Maine’s highest-rated news station, WCSH6.  She also worked on the planning of fundraising events for Life is Good, Inc. and the Big Sister Association of Greater Boston.

Please join me in welcoming our colleagues in offering your support for their efforts as, together, we carry on the mission entrusted to us by Christ and His Church.


Fr Rich

#  #  #   #

Incidentally, in case people think the idea for this combined fund-raising entity and move to Braintree just came about recently, you can also think again about that one.  We have it on good word that the Chancellor was in on discussions about merging at least the separate fund-raising entitites–Jack Connors’ Campaign for Catholic Schools and the Catholic Schools Foundation–and locating them in Braintree starting back in the summer of 2009.

Have a good weekend!

26 Responses to Welcoming More Expensive People to the Pastoral Center

  1. George Williams says:

    Now I am convinced that my decision to refrain from contributing to the Annnual Appealand directing my donations to specific parishes and St. Vincent dePaul societies was the correct thing to do. I rememebr when some departments at Lake Street were filled with volunteers and folks who were fortunate to get mileage money (the pro-life office for one). This whole thing is disgraceful.

  2. v.Stuart says:

    Don’t you think it’s about time for a Christmas break!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Christmas has come early for these new hires as well as McDonough’s “chosen few”.

  4. Tom says:

    I see that some have liberal credentials, and others (including the some) left apparently good-paying jobs for what one would be expect to be better-paying ones.

  5. Clem Kadiddlehopper says:

    Well, nobody who is in-house and has experience in dealing with the pastors and parishes was interviewed or considered, (were they?), so the pastors will just have to deal with a whole new cadre of folks. Making it easy on the priests and moving the experienced workforce up in the organization chart is not a part of the mission statement, is it?

  6. Jack O'Malley says:

    Five out of the six welcomees are women. Now I for one have no objection to a profusion of feminine pulchritude around the office, but might this be a case of reverse discrimination against men? Cardinal O’Malley certainly doesn’t need another lawsuit on his hands.

    Perish the thought! After all, women can’t be Swiss Guards. Though there is one baleful liturgical lady in the local parish who would shrivel the fortitudes of any Saracen who tried to breach the ramparts of 66 Brooks. And that without halberd or cutlass. She does read a mean Epistle though. Especially the one about women being silent in church. She reads that one with clenched dentures and brandished fist.

    But 5 out of 6 is only fair I guess. After all, the presbyterate is entirely masculine. Well, maybe fifty percent.

    • michael says:

      Now before you start getting too excited about the amount of feminine pulchritude, I think a check of their photographs might be in order.

  7. A Priest says:

    We bust our backsides for the Appeal and what do we get…more high paying “good jobs at good wages”…man.
    And now we’re hiring people who are complicit in the Paulist Center?

  8. Chris says:

    I also noted the “children’s liturgy” and Paulist Center connection for the vice president slot. I will NEVER give money for the annual appeal until 66 Brooks has been cleaned out (and the ground salted with exorcism salt). Cardinal Law had a better staff than Cardinal Sean has — never thought I’d say that. (Sort of like seeing Clinton at the White House podium with Obama leaving.)

    • Carolyn says:


      The whole point is that they are going to drive the bus without those of us who manage with sacrifice to give $200 to the Catholic Appeal. They don’t give a whit for what you and I give. These people will corral major bucks from major donors (foundations and individuals) and set up a slow drip to those who do God’s work.

      It comes down to the Golden Rule, “They who have the gold rule.”

      A tip of the cap to Jack Connors for taking care of his people who could not get the job done at the Campaign for Catholic Schools.

      Instead of wringing our hands about this, and about an ordinary who is just that, think of someone you know who has stopped going to Mass. Call the person and ask him/her to join you for Mass this weekend and coffee after. The more we focus on the sacraments, the faster we take back the Church.

  9. DBP says:

    I’m with “Chris” above – when I saw Children’s Liturgy AND Paulist Center together, I knew we had a winner! Two full steps removed from Catholicism, that one.

    I’m with Jack O’Malley too – is the thinking that hiring females relieves the odium of male oppression in the Church? I guess pretty soon we’re going to start hearing about the need for “reparations payments” from the Church to women, such as what our African-American brethren and sistren are calling for from the United States government.

    On a positive note, I will say this: Artie Boyle is one of the good guys. Truly a man of faith and personal holiness. I would guess that if there were one person among those listed who would do the job for free – or at a non-market salary – it would be Artie. In fact, if he’s on board with this (and not just a token), I’m going to hold my breath and hope it’s on the up-and-up.

    • TheLasrCatholicinBoston says:

      Mr. Boyle is a very likable fellow with a wonderful story, he is also a well known promoter of Medjugorje and is reported to be quite close to Ivan the Seer who lives in the North End of Boston. Ivan Dragicevich’s show can be seen at the following locations… http://www.medjugorje.org/ivanse.htm

      The Blessed Mother appeared to the Children in Fatima 6 times. Ivan is up to well over 8,000 appearances with what he claims is a special personal audience with our BVM.

    • michael says:

      Mr. Boyle’s like-ability quotient and his wonderful personal story are noteworthy. The test of his true character, however, is precisely how much money he has accepted for his new salary. If it is out of whack … like many salaries that we already know of (thanks to BCI) are, then his character is at issue, notwithstanding his story and demeanor.

      • from Michael: “The test of his true character, however, is precisely how much money he has accepted for his new salary. If it is out of whack … like many salaries that we already know of (thanks to BCI) are, then his character is at issue”.

        So this is the “character” litmus test. How much a man accepts for a salary to care for his 13 children. And who determines where the exact line in the sand is: what is out whack? If Artie Boyle raises $ 5 million , would it be ok if he made a $100,000( that mythical 6 figure salary) or does he need to raise $10 mill to satisfy you. Arbitrary determinations regarding someone’s salary is a very simplistic way to measure.
        Let Artie and the others discern what is fair value for their service to the Church: knowing that it is indeed, in service to the Church. If they have been greedy or unjust, certainly they will be held accountable for their actions and dispositions, as we all will be.
        But truly, for those “standing on the sidelines” without FULL knowledge of each circumstance, it is not our place to judge. And CERTAINLY not our place to judge a man or woman’s character.

  10. Anonymous Catholic says:

    I think I’m going to quit my day-job and try to get a job working for the Catholic schools here in Boston. Mary Grassa O’Neill makes $325K/year. Mr. Jim Walsh has gotten his pay increased by $47,000 over the past 3 years and makes $185K/year as “Associate Superintendent of Schools.” Do we know what Ms. Driscoll is paid now? Surely as much as Scot Landry was making in the job–$250K, if not a sweeter deal like $300K because she is now in charge of more fundraising. With this crew of 6, plus Ms. Driscoll, $1M in new salaries probably just arrived from the Campaign for Catholic Schools at 66 Brooks Drive. How do other people hop onto this junket?

    • michael says:

      The salaries would bother me a lot less if I felt that any of these highly compensated leaders had the moral courage to stand up and defend our faith. Religious freedom in America is in jeopardy and these [comment edited by BCI] will only help to accelerate the demise.

      • “these [edited by BCI]”… Even if you knew the knew hires well( which I would guess that you don’t), this is an uncharitable attack on someone’s character. This needs to stop. It does more harm than good. I know 20 people who, while they may agree with the blog, won’t read it because comments like these are prevalent, and not monitored well.

  11. Quality Guy says:

    I’m glad other posters jumped on the Paulist Center credential reference !!
    I went to the Paulist Center with a friend a few years ago and was amazed at the folks in attendance at the liturgy. They sure were different from those you might meet at your ‘average’ parish !!

    Not exactly mainstream in their Faith I think.

  12. Catherine&John says:

    We will not give to the appeal – they would have to start employing men and women of God who exemplify the teaching of the Church and the love of Christ for its bride. I’m still stuck on the comm director and dir of new media (?) who make over, over the top salaries and do not contribute any great charism of our faith never mind professional background and experience. Donna Morrissey was so much better than the two combined. And nice to boot! Seems the higher ups don’t really want faithful, sharp people at all. [BCI edit of sentence]. The liberal and left leaning presence of the additions mentioned in this latest blog are discouraging. W the exception of Mr Artie Boyle – he’s a class act man of God. Shocked he got in! Praise God

  13. A. J. Constantino says:

    WOW! This is a tough crowd!

    I read the Vicar General’s e-Mail and found the biggest issue to be, he did not address the specific responsibilities of these (6) individuals to the RCAB. Traditionally, in business, when an individual is introduced to the team, there is an over view of past jobs/experience, a brief outline is given as to why they were hired and how their experience relates to the position for which they were hired. Beside the salary issue, I feel some of peoples’ frustration is why were these people hired? What are they going to do?
    From reading the email, all you see is titles, no substance.

    I can only speak, for myself; I cannot judge the professional competency of these individuals, since I don’t know what they do!

    I’ll go back to one of my earlier posts, there needs to be clearly defined accountabilities, measurements and goals.

  14. Former Employee says:

    I was under the weather and missed this one.

    How awesome is this, based entirely on where they came from coupled with titles, there are two more six figures and one healthy (not quite six figures) and three folks with no Development experience doing the grunt work……and an Apostate Paulist Center type to boot.

    Maybe I should join the Episcopal Church and see if I can go back for my Payday!!!!

  15. bitsnbytes says:

    So hiring people from the campaign for schools, which failed to meet its goal, is good for the archdiocese? Hm.

  16. […] goal) to the Pastoral Center in December to repeat their performance on a larger scale, they had 6 people on the team.   Add 9 + 6 and we get a total of 15 […]